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neo brutalist web design

Neo Brutalist Web Design

Brutalism is an unconventional design style that often provokes strong responses from audiences – both positive and negative. With its nonconforming appearance and unconventional nature, brutalism makes an excellent choice for websites seeking to stand out.

Neobrutalist design style often brings to mind images of pixelated GIFs and misaligning text, yet can also be found throughout our site’s inner pages such as radio archives, DJ pages and events listings – each designed in this distinctive aesthetic.

Typical Organization

As a design style for web design, brutalism can be very striking. The rough concrete aesthetic of brutalism translates well to digital environments and can be employed both functionally and boldly. Common features of brutalism in web design are raw interactions, divided screens, square image blocks and eye-catching typography – perfect for websites seeking to stand out among their competition.

Brutalism can often be found in architecture and art industries, but it can also be found elsewhere. Stefanie Tam’s brutalist website offers visitors an organized way of exploring her artwork using grid-like layout, clean textual sections, blue hashtags/links and hashtags; its design recalling brutalist architecture with straight lines, angular geometric shapes and lack of color.

PART Architects’ website showcases brutalism in a striking manner. Its homepage showcases an intriguing grid of fullscreen lines, each representing an architectural project. As soon as your cursor hovers over any project name, a window opens with additional information and photos about that specific job. Furthermore, this site uses a grid-like structure as a navigation method; top and bottom bars offer anchor links.

De Vlieg and Kaskad Project websites also make great use of brutalism, featuring grid-like structures filled with boxes displaying titles and images that can be moved with the mouse for navigation through the entire site. These sites show both its power and beauty as they combine an unusual user experience (UX) with unique visuals to produce captivating websites that truly captivate their visitors.


Flom is a web design firm that specializes in neo brutalist web design. Their website is quite minimalistic, featuring no content above the fold but still eye-catching; their homepage contains a list of projects which when clicked will display in detail; this design makes an immediate visual impact and creates a lasting impression with visitors.

Stefanie Tam, a graphic designer, offers another striking example of brutalism in web design with her website featuring straight lines that divide up the screen into sections containing an image preview, short paragraph and contact info in each. Additionally, there’s an engaging scroll-triggered animation – as well as an exceptional layout!

Jugoceania uses brutalism to emphasize their creativity and authenticity, creating a creative universe which immediately grabs a viewer’s attention upon entering. Particularly striking are their use of shapes and outlines along with an eye-catching font – two features which set their site apart from competitors.

Though this style may not appeal to everyone, brutalism web design can be an effective way to attract attention and stand out from competition. Additionally, this approach makes your brand more authentic and appealing – however only use this style on sites where an impactful first impression needs to be created and fits the tone of your brand; otherwise it could easily overwhelm and disorient viewers. However, brutalism should always be applied with care and within moderation in order to avoid becoming overbearing for audiences and beige-washed – always ensure your site offers excellent user experiences and ease-of-navigation capabilities!

Max Sidentopf

Max Sidentopf is an award-winning artist specializing in video, photography, sculpture and design. His work challenges viewer expectations using brutalism techniques such as square image blocks, straight lines and framed sections to produce striking artworks that stand out. Max’s website serves as an outstanding example of this style; using square image blocks, straight lines and framed sections as signature elements of this style of web design.

This multidisciplinary design studio boasts projects scattered across its homepage that immediately grab your attention. Project names are written in an attractive font while hover images appear when your mouse moves over them. Click any project name for more details or information on its designers.

Dublab Radio stands as another example of brutalism in web design, mixing its flat, simple layout with elements of neo brutalism. This style can be found particularly noticeable on inner pages such as archive, schedule, DJs and events sections where links turn blue when hovered over; an effect which has become popular over time in web design.

Brutalism may not be as widespread among web design trends, but it’s an effective way to stand out. It works particularly well for brands seeking to be bold and creative while conveying values or ideas through their website. While some designers push brutalism too far, others use it creatively for user experience purposes – creating refreshing, intuitive, user-friendly designs while breaking some rules in the process. While mastering brutalism might take practice – its worth giving it a go for creativity’s sake!

AB Screenwear

In fashion, brutalism is an excellent way to stand out from the competition and express your brand’s personality. With its rugged visuals, broken layouts and playful font choices, brutalism stands out among competitors and works especially well when applied to websites containing text-heavy pages like blogs or social media platforms.

AB Screenwear is an example of a company that embraces the brutalist style. Their website showcases broken layout, vibrant colors and an innovative use of call-to-action hovers. Furthermore, there’s also a scrollable bar at both ends of the page with links to various sections so users can navigate more efficiently through it all.

The Brutalist style is increasingly becoming a trendy aesthetic within art, drawing inspiration from Bauhaus design. Many artists and designers experiment with it as it gives their works a distinctive appearance. You can even spot this aesthetic online; second-hand bookshop Marrowbone Books features this style with its straight line that divides the screen into two parts; an aspect typically associated with brutalist styles that’s minimalist but striking all at once!

Brutalism can be used in web design to create attractive sites that are easy for visitors to navigate, as it highlights important elements within pages while making them appear more authentic. While often used for posters and graphics design, this style also works well when applied to websites to make them stand out from their competition. While not for everyone, brutalism could be ideal for an emerging fashion company or clothing line wanting to stand out.


Brutalism was an architectural style popular during Europe’s post-World War II recovery period. Its dark colors and lines conjured memories of destruction and poverty that was all too present at that time, yet its undeniable force forced people out of their comfort zones; many saw it as an expression of strength. Nowadays, businesses are adopting neo brutalist web designs as an unapologetic statement that allows their message to come across with forcefulness; people feel powerful just by looking at these websites! Neo brutalist web designs make people feel powerful themselves while helping brands communicate their brand values more effectively!

Fashion label Balenciaga takes brutalism one step further with their website design that blends form and function. Starting off as two large boxes that say “Women” or “Men”, once customers select either gender they are taken to another page which displays all collections; customers then browse pages showcasing various collections – an approach which enables customers to quickly locate what they’re searching for while giving designers plenty of room to experiment with brutalist aesthetics.

Although brutalist designs offer something different than conventional websites, they do come with their own set of drawbacks. While they might look appealing at first glance, they may not be suitable for professional websites like ecommerce platforms and may prove challenging to navigate without clear call-to-action buttons – potentially frustrating visitors and necessitating extensive testing of any site prior to going live.

Neo-brutalist web design, while undoubtedly controversial, is growing increasingly popular. This daring style challenges the status quo while offering visitors an unforgettable experience. No matter if it’s for a large corporation or online store – using this new design style offers you a chance to express your creativity while standing out from the competition.