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Enterprise Website SEO Audit Report

enterprise website seo audit report

An enterprise website SEO audit report offers you an accurate picture of your search engine optimization (SEO) performance as well as untapped opportunities for conversion and improvement.

An audit will examine your site’s structure, content and technical aspects as well as any areas for potential improvement. It can help refocus SEO efforts towards user experience and search engine optimization.


An effective enterprise website SEO audit report will reveal gaps in your SEO strategy that could allow more searchers to find you, providing a basis for making informed decisions regarding how best to increase traffic and ranking on your website.

Keywords are an integral component of an effective SEO strategy, helping users discover your site when searching for specific products or services, while simultaneously helping Google understand your site content and rank it appropriately.

As part of an effective SEO strategy, it’s vital that you analyze which keywords your competitors are targeting in order to assess whether there may be opportunities to increase visibility in the SERPs. An excellent tool that allows this analysis is Keyword Gap which compares domains targeting similar sets of keywords.

Backlink Gap is another fantastic tool, which enables you to compare domains that link together and find opportunities for link exchange between domains. It’s essential to check whether your backlink count exceeds that of competitors as it could play an integral part in influencing rankings.

An enterprise SEO solution should provide reports that show how your rankings and traffic change over time, so you can monitor whether or not your efforts are having an effect on business success.

Enterprise SEO platforms should offer various tools to manage content and SEO campaigns effectively, including keyword research and analysis tools, sitemaps, and others.

An enterprise website can be an intricate combination of content and technical features, so an audit should identify areas requiring improvement. These may range from minor issues to larger concerns; all must be addressed so the site meets search engine optimization goals and can accomplish its goals.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization is an integral component of enterprise website seo. It allows search engines to understand what your site is about while also giving them signals as to its relevancy for certain searches.

On-Page SEO involves optimizing the content, HTML code and URLs of pages to make them search engine friendly. This may involve adding keywords, editing page titles and descriptions as well as using structured data (Schema) and creating internal links.

As search engines use meta and title tags in their indexing and ranking processes, it is vital that they are carefully monitored. Length, format, keyword prominence are all crucial considerations.

Another element of on-page optimization to be mindful of is blog comments, which provide evidence that people enjoy your content and interact with it. Google views them positively and could increase visibility of your site in search results.

Keep in mind that mobile browsing will likely account for a substantial proportion of website traffic, making responsive pages essential. They automatically adapt to different screen sizes.

On-page SEO also involves improving the load time of your pages through various means, such as optimizing images, JavaScript files, caching and compression. All are effective ways of speeding up page loads.

An effective enterprise website SEO audit will include checking for any iFrames that might be working behind your web pages, as these could impede rankings and add extra loading times – as well as be an indicator that the site may not be secure.

Structured data

For enterprise website owners, auditing structured data regularly is key to making SEO efforts successful. Auditing structured data auditing can ensure this.

Structured data (also called schema markup) provides search engines with instructions on how to display pages more easily, helping search crawlers understand more of its contents more quickly.

Structured data is vital in search engine optimization because it helps Google fulfill its mission of organizing information in ways that are both useful and relevant to its users. Google leverages structured data to display rich results (or featured snippets) that provide more visible, click-through friendly SERPs.

First step of creating structured data: creating vocabulary and definitions. This step involves coordination among two typically disconnected groups – authors and software developers.

Once your vocabulary is established, it is time to write code that implements its terms on the page. This can be accomplished using either JavaScript Object Notation or inline with HTML tags.

An SEO structured data audit is an effective way to monitor the success of your SEO campaigns and ensure all keywords are represented appropriately on your website. Furthermore, structured data audits can reveal potential opportunities for improvement – it is recommended to schedule one every few years regardless of whether your marketing efforts have proven themselves successful.


Sitemaps serve to communicate the structure of your web pages to search engine crawlers and inform them which are most essential for indexing. Without one, crawlers may run into pages that don’t belong and link to others that lead nowhere – something which can become an enormously problematic issue on enterprise sites with thousands of landing pages.

XML sitemaps are an integral component of technical SEO audits, helping crawlers navigate your website more easily and identify content. Furthermore, users benefit from finding what they’re searching for more quickly.

Your sitemap should be easily accessible on your client’s website and should be submitted to Google Search Console (GSC), so crawlers can discover and index it quickly and effectively. Moreover, be sure the sitemap can be seen without needing to login or navigate away from any landing pages – the latter would make the experience less enjoyable for visitors!

Google prioritizes site speed as an essential ranking factor, as research demonstrates that slow sites tend to be less engaging and result in lower conversion rates. Google Lighthouse can help you assess your page speed, identifying any issues or ways it could be improved for optimal performance.

Images are another integral SEO factor, providing visual appeal and engaging with users. However, large or slow loading images could negatively affect search rankings; compressing or converting PNG to JPEG may help decrease their loading times for optimal performance.

An SEO sitewide audit may seem intimidating and time consuming, but it’s worth your while in terms of improving SEO. The insights gleaned can be used to guide team efforts and resources while optimizing your strategy in meeting business goals.


Content audits are an integral component of an enterprise SEO strategy. By helping to identify content gaps and prioritize optimizations, they allow teams to allocate their resources towards those that will have the greatest impact.

No matter whether your focus is local SEO or national SEO, creating unique and engaging content will enhance your rankings and drive visitors to your website.

Your enterprise website content should contain keywords in an organic manner and feature various keyword phrases to accurately represent your business, products and services.

Be sure to update your content frequently – this is essential for SEO, and will ensure that your site keeps pace with industry developments.

Your content should also include descriptive alt text for images to ensure Google and vision-impaired users understand the contents of your webpages. However, be wary of keyword stuffing or using image alt text as an opportunity for spammy links – both could harm SEO efforts and user engagement.

Backlinks are links that connect your website to others and can help boost its search engine rankings, making backlink analysis one of the key aspects of an enterprise website SEO strategy. Examining your backlink profile is essential in this endeavor.

As part of an enterprise website SEO strategy, one important task is assessing page authority – a score which predicts how a page will perform on search engine result pages (SERPs). Doing this can help identify high-authority pages which outrank yours content.

Final step should be double-checking your website’s XML sitemap to ensure all pages are listed. Search engines use an XML sitemap to index all of your pages more quickly; checking it regularly could save both time and effort later on.