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Web design in cape town

web design in cape town

Your business website serves as the first point of contact between you and customers and potential clients, so it must project an image of professionalism while being easy-to-use and user friendly. UCT offers this online short course to introduce the fundamentals of web design, equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful website creation. Students will develop an understanding of coding languages as they create websites that render correctly across devices.


Websites are essential tools for companies, allowing them to differentiate themselves from competitors and engage customers online. But having just any website won’t guarantee online success: in this course students learn how to build responsive, optimised sites using HTML and CSS. This course is ideal for professionals looking to advance their career or newcomers looking to break into web design. Participants will learn to utilize various design tools and coding languages to craft responsive mobile-friendly websites which accommodate any device, while being introduced to key concepts of user experience and producing several page websites in group critique sessions. This course will also teach participants how to use content management systems (CMS), create websites accessible for all users and understand wireframing as a process – including mockups – while meeting user requirements. Over time, key events have significantly shaped web design. Skeuomorphism was popular at the turn of the millennium, featuring realistic textures on digital products. Over time this style gave way to flat design – using simple areas of color against bolder shapes – popularized largely by Apple’s iOS 7 interface as it strived for minimal and unobtrusiveness. It’s crucial for any business to have an attractive website, but visitors don’t necessarily think like designers. Visitors could find your site confusing or hard to navigate and form a negative opinion of it – which can be especially damaging when selling something online. There are ways to alleviate this issue though: one option is keeping branding consistent by using consistent fonts and colors across print material as well as your website; another way is prioritizing page load speed which has proven itself effective for search engine rankings.


Web design is the process of creating websites. It entails many aspects, from page layout and content development to user experience and aesthetic appeal. An effective website must be user-friendly while reflecting a company’s brand image; this can be achieved using colors, fonts and images. Web design is an evolving field that offers many opportunities for career advancement. Learning HTML and CSS fundamentals is the ideal way to launch a career in web development, as these skills allow you to create responsive webpages that work across devices. Furthermore, this provides you with a basic understanding of coding languages as you discover how to build dynamic websites. Haefele Software is a custom software development and IT strategy consulting firm with offices in Cape Town, South Africa; Tampa, Florida and Melbourne Australia. They serve clients across various industries with services spanning e-commerce, web, mobile and IoT solutions. Established in 2016, Haefele Software boasts less than 50 employees on staff. An effective website is essential to any business’ marketing and operational strategies. A professional, well-designed website can draw more traffic and attract new customers while poorly constructed ones may damage a business’ credibility and turn away customers, thus making it essential to find a reputable web designer to create one for your company. Pixel Perfect, located in Cape Town, South Africa is a digital media agency offering branding, web design and e-commerce development services. Their small team specializes in offering innovative design and development solutions to midmarket companies and organizations – they even created a website for a technology holding company they still consult on and market to! FutureBORN Creative Studio of Cape Town, South Africa specializes in animation, video production and web design. Recent work includes producing an animated trailer for an advisory company’s mobile game release as well as producing series of videos for fintech clients and an online training course on digital marketing.


Cape Town is one of the world’s most vibrant cities, boasting multiple cultures and languages from across its population. As one of the top tourist spots, it provides the ideal setting to showcase diversity and celebrate cultural heritage among its residents. Furthermore, this diverse city also has an interesting past as an important port and trade route, making its name reflect this diversity and provide businesses with an ideal way to connect with local consumers. Cape Town web design companies can create professional websites for businesses of any kind to attract new customers and increase visibility, hosting services and e-commerce solutions, to make sure your site stays online 24/7 and is capable of handling traffic that comes to it; and can even provide SEO services to increase search engine rankings and generate additional visits to it. No matter where your development career may lie, this course will equip you with all of the tools necessary to build a successful website. Covering every aspect from creating layouts and writing HTML through CSS implementation and JavaScript scripting – not forgetting Dreamweaver itself which is an industry standard tool used for designing websites! Considerations when choosing a web host include price, features, customer support and hardware. A2 Hosting offers plans tailored to fit every budget while its servers use renewable green energy powering them 24/7 monitoring & customer service available via email live chat phone call. Reliable web hosts are essential to the success of small business websites, especially when targeting potential clients online. GoodFirms has compiled a list of Cape Town’s top rated hosting services so you can browse this list to select one best suited to your business needs.


Website maintenance is vitally important, and we can do it for you. We adhere to best practices to ensure your site is functional, secure, and search engine-friendly – with our team of experts helping to develop the appropriate plan of maintenance for you and your website. Professional Cape Town web designers create designs that represent your business to potential online customers effectively. A poorly coordinated website may give customers the wrong impression and cause them to move on – online platforms are highly competitive so it is vital that your online presence matches that of your physical business. Web design is the practice of conceptualizing, planning and organizing online content in a user-friendly format. It encompasses several different aspects such as webpage layout, content production and graphic design. Web designers traditionally focused on visual aspects when creating websites; now web designers incorporate user interface design, authoring and content strategy as well. A good web design should be user-friendly while being appropriate to its target audience and purpose as well as accessible to those with disabilities by using HTML/CSS markup appropriately.

Web Design Agency Virginia

Web Design Agency Virginia

How to Choose a Web Design Agency

Professional web design agencies can help your business make an impactful statement online. Their expert designers will create an eye-catching site that draws in new visitors, which in turn generates more business for you. In addition, their websites are optimized for search engines making them easily discoverable by prospective clients.

Before selecting a Virginia web design company, take into account their experience and portfolio. An effective web designer should have experience in creating successful websites for businesses of various sizes.

Project timeline

An experienced web design agency will work closely with your company to craft a website that fulfills all of its needs, from responsive mobile-friendliness and additional services that help your business expand to responsive design. When selecting a web design firm, be sure to look at previous projects they’ve completed as well as seek references from other businesses for referrals and timeline and budget estimates from them.

Your website is often the first impression potential customers form of your Virginia business. If its design is unattractive or confusing to use, visitors may turn away and leave without taking action – potentially costing your valuable traffic! A professional web design company can make your site stand out from competitors and convert visitors into paying customers. When selecting an agency to design your site it’s crucial that they are knowledgeable of your industry as well as have experience creating successful sites in previous projects.

Experienced Virginia web design agencies will have experience working across multiple industries. Their portfolio should feature past clients with similar businesses to your own – this will allow you to determine whether their agency is right for yours.

Project timelines for web design projects depend on their size and complexity; some agencies may complete projects within 12-16 weeks while others could take six months or longer. When selecting a Virginia web design agency, make sure they can start work right away on your project; otherwise it could become challenging meeting deadlines quickly enough.

JanBask Digital Design stands out as one of Virginia’s premier web design firms, offering visually striking yet technologically proficient websites. Their team of experienced designers are adept in all areas of web development – they specialize in E-commerce websites as well as responsive designs that ensure client satisfaction.


Professional web designers can assist your business in creating an appealing and functional website to attract more visitors, generate leads and convert customers. In addition, they will advise on ways to optimize your current site including making it mobile-friendly and SEO friendly. Ideally, select an agency with extensive industry experience who can show samples of their previous work.

When selecting a Virginia web design firm, make sure they specialize in creating the type of website you require. For instance, if you require an eCommerce storefront website, find an established firm who has successfully completed similar projects for other clients in addition to having an impressive record for meeting deadlines and budget constraints.

Finding an outstanding web design company can be a difficult task, with so many firms providing wide ranges of services, yet not all created equal. A top web design agency should boast an impressive portfolio including websites for small businesses, large enterprises, and everything in between, along with experienced staff who can guide you towards finding a tailored solution for your organization.

Though it is possible to create your website yourself, working with a professional web design agency will save time and money. A reputable agency will create websites tailored specifically to meet the goals of your business while ranking higher in search engines; leading to more traffic to your site and new leads being generated as a result.

Web design companies can go far beyond creating high-quality websites to assist businesses with other marketing strategies like social media and SEO, mobile app development and brand visibility/reach enhancement.

Though learning how to design a website may be possible, creating and maintaining an effective online presence takes considerable effort and time. Juggling marketing goals while running a business may become a burdensome endeavor – thankfully a Virginia web design company offers relief by taking this burden off your shoulders and helping expand your business.


When looking for a web design agency, it is essential that you select one with an extensive portfolio. An exceptional agency should show examples of their previous work while outlining how they can assist your business – they should also demonstrate how other organizations have achieved their goals successfully through working together.

An attractive website is essential to any effective digital marketing strategy, as it can increase brand recognition, bring in new customers and boost sales. A web design agency can take your business one step further by crafting a custom site tailored specifically towards meeting your business goals and aligned with mobile-friendliness – even helping your SEO.

When selecting a web design agency, look for one with an impressive portfolio and experienced designers on staff. Furthermore, ask about their process and experience as well as turnaround time – ideally you should avoid agencies promising extremely short timelines as these may cut corners or sacrifice quality work.

A great web design company in Virginia should have an impressive portfolio that demonstrates their skills and expertise. Check for projects of various sizes to gauge their capabilities; look out for both small businesses as well as larger organizations represented in these portfolios. They should also possess an in-depth knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization), which involves improving the rank of your website in search engines such as Google.

A great design agency will have an in-depth knowledge of user behavior, which they will incorporate into their designs. They use data-driven content and an effective strategy for designing your website to encourage more conversions. Furthermore, they offer ongoing support during this process so as to make sure your site delivers on what it promises.

Are You New to Internet Marketing and Web Design? If you are, then it can be confusing how web design works. While do-it-yourself templates might suffice for individual entrepreneurs or small businesses, professional businesses require custom websites that stand out from their competition and deliver results for SEO and audience needs – thus increasing chances of converting visitors into customers. A full service web design agency is capable of developing custom sites tailored specifically for SEO that will increase conversion of visitors into customers.


When selecting a web design agency, it’s crucial to be familiar with their pricing policy. Some agencies charge hourly rates while others offer flat rates for projects; the option you select will depend on your work requirements, budget constraints and timeline. Furthermore, make sure they possess appropriate insurance policies – such as cyber liability coverage, commercial general coverage or workers compensation plans to protect from data breaches or cybersecurity threats.

An expert web design agency can assist your business in creating a website that will increase online visibility, generate leads and ultimately be more cost-effective and efficient than its predecessor. They will make sure the site is mobile-friendly while SEO optimization will rank it highly in search results, leading to greater effectiveness and efficiency within your operations. The result? A more effective and efficient business.

Before hiring a web design agency, be sure to establish a reasonable budget and assess what your needs are. Compare their prices until you find one that best meets them; inquire into their experience as well as see whether or not they deliver on promises; examine their portfolio as this will give an idea of their work style.

Certain website types require much more time and effort than others; content writing websites with SEO optimization typically take more time. Therefore, agencies offering quick turnaround should be avoided as these may be cutting corners without investing enough thought or consideration into your project to satisfy you.

Hire a web design agency that provides ongoing support. This will ensure your website stays current and secure, and that if any problems arise they have someone they can turn to – something which is particularly crucial if using an eCommerce platform.

An experienced Virginia web design agency can assist in crafting an engaging and functional website to attract potential customers and boost sales. Their custom design can also reflect your brand while meeting the needs of target audiences.

Offshore Web Design

offshore web design

Offshore Web Design

Offshore web design is an increasingly popular industry, helping businesses reduce costs and enhance digital projects with improved designs. However, companies should be wary when hiring offshore developers as there may be certain concerns to consider.

One of the biggest obstacles in working with an offshore developer is making sure they’re actually working on your project – especially if they’re paid hourly. Holding them accountable can be challenging.


One of the primary advantages of offshore web design is saving your business money. Labour costs in countries like India, Ukraine and Russia tend to be substantially cheaper; hiring an offshore team will substantially cut development expenses. Furthermore, you’ll gain access to skills and ideas you wouldn’t otherwise gain access to.

Offshore development companies offer a host of services that can help your business advance. Their websites can create something visually pleasing that aligns with your brand image while fulfilling all technical requirements, making them an excellent option for businesses of any size, from startups to multinational enterprises.

No one should assume that outsourcing to offshore developers will result in lower quality; that may not always be true. When choosing an offshore development firm, make sure they have an impressive track record for producing results and customer satisfaction; do this by consulting references from past clients and reviewing their portfolio; additionally inquire as to their experience with certain programming languages and frameworks.

Cultural compatibility should also be taken into consideration when hiring an offshore development company. While offshore firms may offer lower hourly rates than their US counterparts, keep in mind that it may take them longer to complete your task and they could have different work schedules that prevent timely responses to emails from them.

Hiring an experienced web developer who understands both your industry and English can be essential in running an efficient website. Unfortunately, people in the US and Europe can have negative stereotypes of offshore developers because of their different language or accent, leading to miscommunication and costly misunderstandings that can prove costly in the end.

Communication is key to any successful project; setting realistic expectations will allow remote developers to understand your requirements more quickly and produce high-quality work. When setting clear vision for what you envision for your website’s appearance and development, developers can more quickly grasp requirements and produce quality products.


Scalability is an essential aspect of developing web apps that can keep up with increasing traffic and demand. A scalable app should be designed to handle peak response times without disruptions or loss of functionality; in addition to accommodating future growth such as increased user traffic or additional features and functions. Therefore, it’s vital that you establish your scalability needs from the outset so you can select an architecture pattern, database system and development tools accordingly.

Outsourcing can be an excellent way for companies looking to reduce costs, particularly those operating within highly regulated industries that must adhere to stringent compliance requirements. Tech talent is expensive and limited; therefore outsourcing is often seen as the perfect solution. When choosing an offshore development partner it is crucial that they possess both the appropriate skillsets and experience to meet business goals while increasing profit margins.

Remote offshore web design teams offer businesses an advantage, as their global reach allows them to find all the resources required for any project. Its developers are experts in multiple programming languages and frameworks and can deliver cost-effective solutions that will improve efficiency for your business. Moreover, they can work across time zones for added efficiency – saving both time and money!

Hiring a remote team for your website allows you to focus on marketing and business development while your team handles the technical details. This will enable your product to hit market faster while simultaneously starting to generate revenue faster. Furthermore, you can depend on them for high-quality results that meet your business goals.

Offshore development teams benefit from having access to modern infrastructure and are well informed of current technological trends, so they are adept at creating web applications which are more cost-efficient than competitors and help your company meet its business goals more quickly. Furthermore, outsourcing development allows you to save costs such as rent, procurements and employees’ salaries without incurring overhead expenses that come with hiring an in-house software engineering team.


Of course, outsourcing can save on labor costs; however, many companies remain wary about the quality of work being delivered. This is particularly relevant in industries with strict regulatory compliance such as digital health where finding an offshore web development company to meet your needs at an acceptable cost is key to business. With a bit of research you should be able to find one!

As when working with any team of developers, when working with an offshore web development team it’s vitally important to make sure that each developer understands your project and its goals. You can do this by clearly outlining its scope and providing instructions to ensure there’s no miscommunication and all parties involved remain on the same page. It may be beneficial to set up meetings between you and developers so as to clarify any questions or address concerns as soon as they arise.

Apart from selecting an offshore website development firm with strong knowledge of your project, it’s also crucial that they can demonstrate past success with similar endeavors. Look for firms with portfolios of completed websites and apps, customer references and reviews; additionally it is also wise to verify whether their location and language skills will fit with the scope of your endeavor.

Offshore web development firms boast global presence and provide businesses with access to an array of different skill sets. This facilitates greater innovation and solutions. Offshoring can be particularly advantageous for expanding digital presence and engaging customers.

Offshore web development can be an excellent solution for businesses that wish to expand their digital presence and customer engagement strategies. Costs associated with hiring an in-house full stack team tend to be far lower, and results tend to come faster when outsourcing work overseas. When choosing an offshore partner it is key that they have experience and deliver results on time – this will ultimately reflect in the quality of the final product created by that development team.


Offshore web design can be cost-effective, but effective communication with a remote team is essential to its success. Due to time zones and language barriers, remote collaboration may prove challenging; but with some simple tips you can ensure its success: for instance setting clear goals and expectations before beginning a project and using collaboration tools like Slack, email and Skype meetings you can avoid miscommunication while keeping the project on schedule.

Communicate clearly and succinctly when communicating with an offshore development team, using simple language and avoiding metaphors. Tools like Jira can also be invaluable tools for keeping track of projects and progress – these enable regular collaboration with offshore teams as well as file sharing easily.

Always bear in mind that working with different cultures and work philosophies can be frustrating at times, yet regardless of any obstacles, finding an offshore company you trust and can build a relationship with remains essential. Furthermore, make sure the offshore company understands your industry-specific requirements and has a history of successful results.

One of the great advantages of outsourcing is saving up to 60% in development costs, thanks to labor rates in countries like India and Ukraine being much lower than in the US. Furthermore, offshore companies tend to possess international expertise that enables them to deliver quality code more quickly than local developers; saving you both money and increasing competitive advantages.

When selecting an offshore web development provider, it’s key to find one with a transparent process and reasonable rates. An ideal partner will understand your goals and needs before providing an outline of the project’s scope, timelines and deliverables in their proposal. Furthermore, they should take great interest in learning about your domain in order to provide better technical solutions tailored specifically for you that complement both capabilities and goals.

Octopus Web Design

Octopus Web Design

Octopuses are highly intelligent animals in the ocean. Their incredible abilities to camouflage themselves to avoid predation by predators is nothing short of astounding.

This study collects and ranks factors directly related to design requirements for MoCap-wearable systems. Once collected, these factors were schematised into an easily adaptable scheme which allows multidisciplinary teams to accurately consider all necessary elements during development.


Design is a key element of customer experience. An effective website must engage visitors and encourage them to take action; this website accomplishes this through various interactive features: fact cards appear with information on endangered species while news clips play to underscore urgency of the situation; parallax scrolling adds visual interest that drives home the message.

IDEO, a global design firm dedicated to human-centric designs with positive impacts, recently won the Webby Award in the Business Blog/Website category for 2019. Their Octopus Blog website boasts an eye-catching black-and-white theme featuring Octopus drawings on the homepage that draws you in as you scroll.


Octopus Deploy is an intuitive application designed to quickly deploy applications across multiple servers. The tool features step templates for handling configuration in various environments and supports various languages, platforms and operating systems.

IDEO, a global design firm dedicated to making positive impacts through design, was awarded the 2019 Webby Award for Business Blog/Website with its Octopus blog website showcasing a sleek black-and-white theme that draws visitors into stories through different Octopus drawings on its homepage design.

Comment your work directly in the sitemap, take meeting notes, define page content, and prepare for stand-ups by coloring completed blocks green. Visuals make communicating complex ideas simpler while welcoming new team members into your project.


Octopus Deploy is an app-deployment tool designed to streamline application deployment on one or more servers. It supports various languages, platforms and operating systems while making configuration across environments easy.

IDEO, a global design firm, recently won the Best Business Blog/Website 2019 Webby Award for their Octopus Blog website. Featuring an eye-catching black-and-white theme featuring different Octopus drawings as its homepage, visitors experience something new every time they scroll.


Usability is especially essential to websites focusing on ecommerce. When customers want to buy a particular product, it should be easy for them to find their search bar on the site and have easy access to that particular search result page. Furthermore, organization of items should take place so that those most important are displayed first – something customers are likely to do anyway!

Octopus Deploy is a deployment automation tool that assists developers, release managers, and operations teams with managing complex application and cloud deployments. This platform gives teams access to shared configuration across environments like API keys, connection strings, permissions and service principals – helping teams break down siloes and work more collaboratively together.

UX Flow is another useful design tool for Octopus that enables you to directly create prototypes and sitemaps directly on page designs. The tool supports real-time collaboration as well as spreadsheet integration for easier management. Plus, its mobile-responsive design enables it to work on both desktops and mobile devices for ease of use; adding notes and block descriptions while tracking progress with its color-coded progress bar can all help streamline development processes.

Occ Web Design Certificate

Occ Web Design Certificate

Web design is the practice of creating public-facing websites in accordance with accepted industry standards, involving research, planning, design principles and rigorous testing.

Combining creativity and technical abilities can open doors in digital media art and design (DMAD). Career options might include book and software publishing, animation, video gaming or commercials.

Web Design Fundamentals

No matter your goal in web design – whether that be starting from scratch or expanding existing skills – this certificate program provides you with all the aesthetic and technical knowledge you need to produce well-designed Web content. Specifically tailored for today’s business world, this career studies certificate features courses covering site planning and design, usability, accessibility, management and maintenance.

Students will develop the fundamentals of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) coding, providing a basis for Web content production – including text and graphics. Students also develop skills in using paper prototyping to design basic Web pages; upon completing, students will have gained enough skills in FrontPage to produce moderately complex websites using it.

Students will explore the research and design process involved with creating a web interface. Topics may include user personas, site maps, journey maps and wireframes; students will also gain experience researching images as well as making decisions based on user needs such as speed, functionality and accessibility. Furthermore, students will practice applying TETO principles (Test Early, Test Often and Don’t Over-test).

Web Design Production

Web designers must present and format content in a wide variety of ways to engage users on the Internet, which requires them to possess extensive knowledge about media, markup and scripting languages and the functional capabilities of various user devices.

Students will gain experience creating web pages using front-end development languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They will also produce mock-ups and wireframes based on design research techniques; including user personas, site maps and journey maps.

This career studies certificate program equips the student with aesthetic, technical and management knowledge essential for creating beautiful Web sites. Additionally, this will lay the groundwork for a career as a Web designer or as an introduction to Bachelor’s degrees in Web design, development or computer information systems / business administration (*some courses from this certificate program can count toward earning these degrees with approval of appropriate department chairs).

Web Design Research

The Internet has made sharing content such as news, music and videos possible, revolutionizing our everyday interactions as well as business advertising strategies. Web design skills have become essential to any organization, regardless of size; gain them with this career studies certificate! It provides technical and aesthetic knowledge needed for creating professional Web sites – perfect as an standalone credential or to prepare you for further study of Web Development/Development or Computer Information Systems degree online programs!

Courses designed to aid students in understanding the design process for websites by exploring user personas, site maps, journey mapping, and wireframing are designed to increase students’ understanding of designing for the web. Their goal is to reduce costly mistakes or large changes after development has taken place by conducting proper research at the start of any project; doing this allows for faster delivery of quality products while increasing customer engagement and loyalty.

Students in this course will explore the fundamentals of WordPress and HTML coding, from creating an HTML document, adding tags for images and multimedia, using browser dev tools to detect errors in markup, to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS topics including floats, positioning, flexbox grid typography media queries will also be covered in-depth. Students who complete their own website in class as an end result will use it as their portfolio piece when entering into certificate programs such as CE-DGART 2142PE from February 7-Mar 28, 6:30-8:30 pm

Web Design Portfolio

If you are starting a career in web design, UI/UX design, visual arts or any related field, having a web design portfolio is a vital way for prospective clients and employers to assess your skills and abilities. Your web design portfolio serves as the best way to showcase your work and distinguish yourself among competitors within your field. In addition to being essential in recruiting processes for jobs in these industries, it may even lead to winning new projects or even landing you one!

One of the key aspects of creating a web design portfolio is making it personal. Doing this will leave a lasting impression with viewers, encouraging them to connect with your work and explore further how you could solve their issues.

Here are a few helpful hints for creating an eye-catching web design portfolio:

Choose a clean and minimalist style for your website. Your work should be the main attraction here; choose an eye-catching background color while using an unassuming sans serif font for text. Too many colors in the design could detract from it and the work.

Use images to create an appealing and interactive experience for visitors. Incorporating pictures into your portfolio is an excellent way to show off your creative ability and attract potential clients; just make sure that any high-quality photographs used are unrestricted by copyright issues.

Ali Saeed’s web design portfolio is an outstanding example of modern website design. This multidisciplinary designer uses an elegant template to showcase his work, which is presented clearly and organized. Furthermore, subtle animation highlights his abilities; each sample appears as you scroll down.

Are You Seeking a Creative Way to Display Your Work? Consider Building a Responsive Portfolio Website If so, these content management systems allow for simple updates and edits; in addition they can be tailored specifically for you – adding your logo or choosing from one of several themes can add an individualized look and feel.

Neo Brutalist Web Design

neo brutalist web design

Neo Brutalist Web Design

Brutalism is an unconventional design style that often provokes strong responses from audiences – both positive and negative. With its nonconforming appearance and unconventional nature, brutalism makes an excellent choice for websites seeking to stand out.

Neobrutalist design style often brings to mind images of pixelated GIFs and misaligning text, yet can also be found throughout our site’s inner pages such as radio archives, DJ pages and events listings – each designed in this distinctive aesthetic.

Typical Organization

As a design style for web design, brutalism can be very striking. The rough concrete aesthetic of brutalism translates well to digital environments and can be employed both functionally and boldly. Common features of brutalism in web design are raw interactions, divided screens, square image blocks and eye-catching typography – perfect for websites seeking to stand out among their competition.

Brutalism can often be found in architecture and art industries, but it can also be found elsewhere. Stefanie Tam’s brutalist website offers visitors an organized way of exploring her artwork using grid-like layout, clean textual sections, blue hashtags/links and hashtags; its design recalling brutalist architecture with straight lines, angular geometric shapes and lack of color.

PART Architects’ website showcases brutalism in a striking manner. Its homepage showcases an intriguing grid of fullscreen lines, each representing an architectural project. As soon as your cursor hovers over any project name, a window opens with additional information and photos about that specific job. Furthermore, this site uses a grid-like structure as a navigation method; top and bottom bars offer anchor links.

De Vlieg and Kaskad Project websites also make great use of brutalism, featuring grid-like structures filled with boxes displaying titles and images that can be moved with the mouse for navigation through the entire site. These sites show both its power and beauty as they combine an unusual user experience (UX) with unique visuals to produce captivating websites that truly captivate their visitors.


Flom is a web design firm that specializes in neo brutalist web design. Their website is quite minimalistic, featuring no content above the fold but still eye-catching; their homepage contains a list of projects which when clicked will display in detail; this design makes an immediate visual impact and creates a lasting impression with visitors.

Stefanie Tam, a graphic designer, offers another striking example of brutalism in web design with her website featuring straight lines that divide up the screen into sections containing an image preview, short paragraph and contact info in each. Additionally, there’s an engaging scroll-triggered animation – as well as an exceptional layout!

Jugoceania uses brutalism to emphasize their creativity and authenticity, creating a creative universe which immediately grabs a viewer’s attention upon entering. Particularly striking are their use of shapes and outlines along with an eye-catching font – two features which set their site apart from competitors.

Though this style may not appeal to everyone, brutalism web design can be an effective way to attract attention and stand out from competition. Additionally, this approach makes your brand more authentic and appealing – however only use this style on sites where an impactful first impression needs to be created and fits the tone of your brand; otherwise it could easily overwhelm and disorient viewers. However, brutalism should always be applied with care and within moderation in order to avoid becoming overbearing for audiences and beige-washed – always ensure your site offers excellent user experiences and ease-of-navigation capabilities!

Max Sidentopf

Max Sidentopf is an award-winning artist specializing in video, photography, sculpture and design. His work challenges viewer expectations using brutalism techniques such as square image blocks, straight lines and framed sections to produce striking artworks that stand out. Max’s website serves as an outstanding example of this style; using square image blocks, straight lines and framed sections as signature elements of this style of web design.

This multidisciplinary design studio boasts projects scattered across its homepage that immediately grab your attention. Project names are written in an attractive font while hover images appear when your mouse moves over them. Click any project name for more details or information on its designers.

Dublab Radio stands as another example of brutalism in web design, mixing its flat, simple layout with elements of neo brutalism. This style can be found particularly noticeable on inner pages such as archive, schedule, DJs and events sections where links turn blue when hovered over; an effect which has become popular over time in web design.

Brutalism may not be as widespread among web design trends, but it’s an effective way to stand out. It works particularly well for brands seeking to be bold and creative while conveying values or ideas through their website. While some designers push brutalism too far, others use it creatively for user experience purposes – creating refreshing, intuitive, user-friendly designs while breaking some rules in the process. While mastering brutalism might take practice – its worth giving it a go for creativity’s sake!

AB Screenwear

In fashion, brutalism is an excellent way to stand out from the competition and express your brand’s personality. With its rugged visuals, broken layouts and playful font choices, brutalism stands out among competitors and works especially well when applied to websites containing text-heavy pages like blogs or social media platforms.

AB Screenwear is an example of a company that embraces the brutalist style. Their website showcases broken layout, vibrant colors and an innovative use of call-to-action hovers. Furthermore, there’s also a scrollable bar at both ends of the page with links to various sections so users can navigate more efficiently through it all.

The Brutalist style is increasingly becoming a trendy aesthetic within art, drawing inspiration from Bauhaus design. Many artists and designers experiment with it as it gives their works a distinctive appearance. You can even spot this aesthetic online; second-hand bookshop Marrowbone Books features this style with its straight line that divides the screen into two parts; an aspect typically associated with brutalist styles that’s minimalist but striking all at once!

Brutalism can be used in web design to create attractive sites that are easy for visitors to navigate, as it highlights important elements within pages while making them appear more authentic. While often used for posters and graphics design, this style also works well when applied to websites to make them stand out from their competition. While not for everyone, brutalism could be ideal for an emerging fashion company or clothing line wanting to stand out.


Brutalism was an architectural style popular during Europe’s post-World War II recovery period. Its dark colors and lines conjured memories of destruction and poverty that was all too present at that time, yet its undeniable force forced people out of their comfort zones; many saw it as an expression of strength. Nowadays, businesses are adopting neo brutalist web designs as an unapologetic statement that allows their message to come across with forcefulness; people feel powerful just by looking at these websites! Neo brutalist web designs make people feel powerful themselves while helping brands communicate their brand values more effectively!

Fashion label Balenciaga takes brutalism one step further with their website design that blends form and function. Starting off as two large boxes that say “Women” or “Men”, once customers select either gender they are taken to another page which displays all collections; customers then browse pages showcasing various collections – an approach which enables customers to quickly locate what they’re searching for while giving designers plenty of room to experiment with brutalist aesthetics.

Although brutalist designs offer something different than conventional websites, they do come with their own set of drawbacks. While they might look appealing at first glance, they may not be suitable for professional websites like ecommerce platforms and may prove challenging to navigate without clear call-to-action buttons – potentially frustrating visitors and necessitating extensive testing of any site prior to going live.

Neo-brutalist web design, while undoubtedly controversial, is growing increasingly popular. This daring style challenges the status quo while offering visitors an unforgettable experience. No matter if it’s for a large corporation or online store – using this new design style offers you a chance to express your creativity while standing out from the competition.