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Agencia Marketing Seo

Every business must maintain an online presence as part of its client acquisition strategy; however, this task is far from simple.

Marketing SEO agency utilizes techniques and strategies to place your site among Google’s first results when users search for products or services similar to yours.

Octopus Digital is a digital marketing agency with offices in both Mexico and the US that specializes in SEO services.

SEO Strategy

One of our client’s primary goals is to reach Google’s first page and establish a steady presence there, and all our strategies are tailored towards this end – optimizing investments made into their companies along the way.

No one does digital and email marketing like us. At our SEO Agency in Latin America and North America, our businesses collaborate with companies and sectors alike through strategies which provide a high return while simultaneously broadening the brand’s competitive investment horizons.

Agencia M.SEO utilizes an impressive tech stack consisting of AMP, JavaScript and PHP. 6sense monitors their employee count and average salary; additionally their website can show what else they’re up to – they have built an excellent reputation for honesty and transparency while constantly striving to improve their work – leading them to become one of Spain’s premier agencies with strong presences in 5 countries in less than a year.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is at the core of any successful SEO strategy. It involves discovering and incorporating the keywords people are searching for on search engines; when used effectively, keywords can drive traffic and increase sales – the goal being matching searcher intent with content on your site.

As part of this step, it is recommended to utilize Google’s Keyword Planner or an established SEO tool like Ahrefs, Semrush, Wordtracker or Ubersuggest to monitor actual search terms being utilized and establish which phrases or words are most sought after by your audience. This step can help identify any search terms which have actually been searched upon and may provide insights into which ones have the highest search volume and relevancy to your industry.

Once you have identified potential keywords, create a spreadsheet and divide them into different buckets or categories – such as product categories or themes/topics – using keywords from your list to ensure you don’t overlook any opportunities. It is crucial that a wide array of keywords be covered and that no potential opportunities go uncovered!

Next, examine the competition. Examining what they are doing with these keywords and creating in terms of content can give a good indication as to the type of posts to create in order to rank for these words. Don’t forget semantics are also key here; Google cares less about exact word usage as much as intent behind words and phrases.

On-Page Optimization

At its core, SEO is all about content on your website. In order to rank well on search engines and draw traffic to it, having high-quality optimized content is key for SEO success. On-page optimization involves keyword research as well as creating, then optimizing page content such as homepage, blog posts, service pages etc – this includes keywords research as well as using descriptive anchor text linking back to related page content (such as this blog’s “further reading” section).

On-page SEO involves more technical elements, with page speed, mobile friendliness and structured data all being key ranking elements that site owners can control themselves; however, implementation takes both time and effort.

There are various tools available for on-page optimization, including Google’s Search Engine Results Pages tool which lets you view the search rankings of your competitors and identify serious structural issues with your website, one of the most effective ways of increasing on-page SEO. Other useful tools for on-page optimization include keyword research tools and image anchor text analysis tools which ensure your site utilizes best practices when it comes to on-page SEO; whether an experienced professional or just starting out, these tools will make enhancing on-page SEO simpler for everyone involved and make their understanding simpler too!

Link Building

Link building is one of the core aspects of SEO strategy. This process involves reaching out to other websites, asking them to link back to your content and inviting their visitors. There are various tactics for accomplishing this; just ensure your links are relevant – for example if your article discusses raised garden beds it might help if one link includes the term raised garden bed so Google understands what your page is about and can rank accordingly.

Although optimizing a page for search engines is great for helping them understand its topic, linking can also increase your authority and credibility as visitors tend to trust websites linked by others. Furthermore, linking can also drive more people directly to your site as visitors tend to trust links shared by others more. Finally, linking can also increase traffic flow to your page!

Note, however, that linking to low-quality pages can actually hinder your SEO. Search engines take note of the number of links a page has compared with that of similar quality pages; to prevent this from occurring it’s essential that only high-quality sites receive links; this way you will ensure the most out of your link building strategy.

Social Media Marketing

SEO strategies are powerful tools for drawing target audiences and potential clients to your business, providing many potential advantages across all kinds of industries and types of businesses. In most instances, the benefits outweigh its drawbacks significantly.

Google conducted a small test of SEO agencies. Octopus Agency stood out as being well-established across various states and offering web positioning expertise.


SEO strategy relies on analytics for its success, from understanding how people use your site to understanding how search engines interpret it. Dwell time metrics provide invaluable insight into which content types resonate most with audiences while others may not receive as much consideration.

SEO analytics can also identify your most successful pages, helping you determine where to focus your optimization efforts. Keep in mind that your goals may differ from those of visitors when examining data; be sure to evaluate it appropriately.

Exit Rate (Exit Rate: The Number of Visitors Exiting After Viewing A Page). It provides insight into how many visitors leave after visiting specific pages on your website, especially conversion-oriented ones such as thank you pages or purchase confirmation pages, where customers often exit without taking action. By understanding why customers leave, it will enable you to better your website and conversion funnel.

Utilizing a KPI reporting tool can save you hours of tedious work, freeing up more time to devote to SEO strategies that really get results. AgencyAnalytics enables you to seamlessly consolidate client data from Google Analytics and other sources into attractive, customizable reports and dashboards – you can even white label reports for each client to streamline the process! Give it a try yourself and see how much time you can save!